Monday 20th July 2020

The first emergence of Common Blue was very poor this year, so lets hope the second emergence is better.

Another day with a good passage of Black-headed Gulls with 492 heading south this morning, there were only a few other birds moving on the sea including 11 Common Gulls, 3 Little Egrets and a Redshank.

On the land a Cuckoo dropped into the southern end of the Reserve and the forth Great Spotted Woodpecker of the month to be ringed was caught at the Observatory. Overhead there was a smattering of Swallows, with 18 heading south, half of which seemed to be juveniles. A Siskin, 3 Yellow Wagtails and 5 Sand Martins also headed south.

In the moth trap this morning was a species new to the site, Tuta absoluta, the Tomato Leafmine, a pest of Tomatoes growing in southern Europe, and it seems the wardens vegetable patch!

Ringing: 1 Goldfinch, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker