Monday 27th July 2020

In a word this morning could be described as: Wet.

After yesterday it was a bit quiet, with very little being noted in the bushes except the usual local birds and the Black Redstart which was in its usual spot. A small passage of 45 Swifts headed south in front of one of the weather systems.

There was a good variety of waders moving on the sea with 9 Oystercatcher, 4 Curlew, 3 Whimbrel, 2 Sanderling, a Dunlin, a Bar-tailed Godwit, a Golden Plover and a Grey Plover were recorded heading south this morning. Three Common Scoter and 8 Teal also headed south. There were at least 12 Sandwich Terns were feeding offshore and a Gannet heading north.

In the moth traps this morning was a Ruby Tiger, which has just started its second emergence.

Ringing: 2 House Sparrow