Thursday 2nd July 2020

Breezy and overcast this morning but by no means a dull day with a stunning male Serin brightening the day.

After being heard briefly first thing this morning, the Serin showed wonderfully in front of the Obs. Where he sang his jingly tune from several different Tamarisks and from the Brambles out on the reserve, before vanishing again. A Reed Warbler was chuntering out the back the obs, while out on the reserve a 'female type' Black Redstart feeding in the bramble scrub and a Corn Bunting was down by the Butts.

Vis-mig was pretty good, with 5 low flying Crossbills, 4 Siskins, 3 House Martins and 2 Sand Martins heading south.

On the sea, 11 Curlew, a single Common Scoter and a Greenshank headed south, while a Little, Common and Sandwich Tern fed offshore.

In the moth trap this morning was a rather worn example of Ancylosis oblitella which caused rather a bit of head scratching, but is presumably all it is? It is a nationally scarce species that Landguard does rather well for in some years.