August Ringing Totals


The museum roof Colour-ringed Herring Gulls are still hanging around

A busier month than last month, as expected, with 288 birds of 28 species ringed throughout the month. 

A hefty chunk of these were Willow Warblers with 108 ringed throughout the month. It was also a busy month for Pied Flycatchers, with light easterly winds producing a good fall, with a total of 18 being ringed on the 15th and 30 in total.


Willow Warbler 108
Pied Flycatcher 30
Linnet 24
Goldfinch 17
House Sparrow 17
Robin 15
Wheatear 11
Starling 9
Whitethroat 9
Blue Tit 8
Greenfinch 7
Blackcap 4
Dunnock 4
Blackbird 3
Great Tit 3
Nightingale 3
Redstart 3
Garden Warbler 2
Song Thrush 2
Collared Dove 1
Lesser Whitethroat 1
Reed Warbler 1
Sedge Warbler 1
Sparrowhawk 1
Spotted Flycatcher 1
Wood Pigeon 1
Wood Warbler 1
Wren 1