Friday 21st August 2020

A blowy start to the morning with gust of over 40mph being recorded, unsurprisingly this led to very few birds being present in the bushes.

There was a couple of parties of Swifts heading south with 44 recorded this morning, along with 3 Swallows and a Sand Martin. Out on the Reserve 2 Wheatears were doing their best to shelter behind the Tank Blocks and at least 400 Starlings were searching for grubs on the lawn.

It was also rather quiet on the sea with 5 Grey Plover, 3 Oystercatcher, 2 Teal and a Shoveler heading south and a Gannet heading north.

In the traps this morning was a female Orange Swift, which is twice the size of the males , although males seem to outnumber females 10 to 1.

Ringing: 1 House Sparrow, 1 Robin