Friday 25th September 2020

 A wild wet windy day, with temperatures half of what they were this time last week and the weather now reminiscent of November.

A rather quiet day with the bushes being almost silent, which is no surprise when you can barely hear over the wind. A single Blackcap was the only southbound migrant. There was a good movement of House Martins with 470 and 6 Swallows logged in late morning. Also on the move were 27 Meadow Pipits, 40 Siskins and a single Redpoll. Movement on the sea was limited to a single Shoveler and an Oystercatcher. A Common Seal was also offshore.

The first Green-brindled Crescent of the autumn which is noted here in low numbers and varies in colour intensity.

Ringing: 1 Dunnock