Monday 21st September 2020


A foggy start to the morning, eventually clearing to a hazy sunny day.

The fog led to a few grounded migrants. The first Ring Ouzel of the Autumn was rather mobile across the reserve this morning. There was also a good scattering of Chiffchaffs with at least 27 present in the bushes and around the Obs. Also in the bushes were 6 Blackcaps, a couple of Redstarts, a Spotted Flycatcher by the mine station, a Black Redstart by the Cottage, 3 Wheatears on the beach and 3 Stonechats moving around the reserve. Overhead a Yellow Wagtail, 3 Swallows, 3 Siskins and a Redpoll headed south.

Very little was moving on the sea, 2 Mallards headed into the river and a couple of Turnstones were on the Jetty.

First noted here in 2006, Clancy's Rustic appears to have colonised the area in the last few years.

Ringing: 16 Chiffchaff, 4 Blackcap, 1 Robin, 1 Sparrowhawk