Saturday 12th September 2020

A much breezier day than expected with only a little bit of vis-mig and movement on the sea.

A total of 38 Swallows, 16 House Martins, 14 Meadow Pipits, 13 Siskins and a Rook made up the rather limited selection from this mornings vis-mig. 

There was a little more movement on the sea with 2 Kestrels coming in off, 20 Teal, 3 Wigeon, 19 Dunlin and a Fulmar headed south.

In the bushes was a selection of the normal warblers with 5 Chiffchaffs and 4 Blackcaps. A single Wheatear was out by the Tank Blocks.

Tinea semifulvella inhabits old birds nests and only occasionally ends up in the traps.

Ringing: 3 Blackcap, 3 Chiffchaff