Sunday 27th September 2020

Grotty weather brought the first Redwings, Brambling & Rockit of the autumn plus a small arrival of Songies most of whom moved inland quite quickly. Todays list includes 20 Song Thrush, 16 Redwing, 9 Chiffchaff, 2 Rock Pipit, Blackcap, Black Red, Brambling, Lapland Bunting, Purple Sandpiper, Redstart, Reed Bunting, Ring Ouzel, Tree Pipit & Wheatear. On the move either south or in off 45 Siskin, 15 Mipit & Hobby. Offshore southbound 24 Wigeon, 8 Brent, 4 Gannet, 3 Teal, Arctic Skua & Dunlin with northbound 13 Brent, 9 Common Scoter, 2 Turnstone, Knot & Wigeon.

A colour ringed Lesser Black-backed Gull probably originating from Germany was a notable sighting.

Ringing: 2 Song Thrush, 1 Blackcap, 1 Chiffchaff.