Tuesday 15th September 2020


A Western Conifer Seed Bug, one of two in the trap this morning. After being accidentally introduced to the Europe from the North America in 1999 it has spread rapidly in the period after 2008 and is now well established in the south.

A light easterly breeze which slowly picked up throughout the morning. 

There was only a scattering of birds around this morning with the majority of birds being out on the reserve including 2 Wheatears and a Black Redstart out on the beach bushes and two Tree Sparrows were on the Point. A group of 4 Turnstone were on the Jetty.

A single Lesser Redpoll was flying around before being ringed at the Obs. A Mistle Thrush dropped into the Holm Oaks briefly, before heading off north and a Yellow Wagtail headed south.

Knot Grass have been scarce this year, with this one late in the season for us.

Ringing: 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Lesser Redpoll, 1 Lesser Whitethroat