October Ringing Totals

One of two Yellow-browed Warblers caught this month

A busy month with 1,000 birds of 35 species and some good day totals as well. 

Rainy easterlies on the 3rd led to the highest day total with 150 birds caught throughout the day, including 81 new Robins and a Brussels control. A couple of scarcities were also ringed including 2 Yellow-browed Warblers and a Red-breasted Flycatcher, as well as some late common migrants including a Pied Flycatcher, a Reed Warbler and a Whitethroat. A late Grasshopper Warbler was then also caught the next day.

The highlight of the month came on the 13th when a Radde's Warbler was ringed. This was the 4th individual to be ringed at the Observatory. Also of note this month were 11 Firecrest, a late Willow Warbler, 2 Ring Ouzels and a Purple Sandpiper which was caught in a walk-in-trap on the Jetty.

There was also a good movement of Lesser Redpolls throughout the month, which led to 226 new birds being ringed and also the capture of 3 British Controls and a Mealy Redpoll which had joined one of the flocks. Also of note this month was a Brussels ringed Goldcrest, one of 146 caught this month.
