Saturday 17th October 2020

 An overcast start with light northerlies resulting in a bright sunny day.

Again there were a few thrushes in the bushes first thing this morning with around 40 Blackbirds, 26 Redwing, 8 Song Thrush, 4 Fieldfare and a single Ring Ouzel. The number of Goldcrest had dropped off with only 15 present on site along with 2 Chiffchaffs, a lingering and a new Firecrest. A flock of 10 Long-tailed Tits turned up late morning.

There was a bit of vis-mig, 48 Goldfinch, 11 Chaffinch, 4 Siskins, 3 Redpoll and a Brambling, 7 Meadow Pipits, 4 Rock Pipits and 2 Grey Wagtails headed south and 3 Skylarks came in off the sea. A Buzzard drifted south at midday. Out on the reserve a single Wheatear was out on the lawn and a Woodlark was up by the Butts. Down on the Jetty were 2 Rock Pipits, 6 Turnstone and 2 Purple Sandpipers.

On the sea there was a small movement of waterfowl, with the highlight being 6 Pink-footed Geese which headed south along with 16 Brent Geese, 15 Wigeon, 3 Teal, 2 Shelduck while 5 Brent Geese, 2 Red-breasted Merganser, 2 Shelduck and 2 Barnacle Geese headed north. Also on the move were a Shag and a Red-throated Diver.

Ringing:15 Blackbird, 10 Long-tailed Tit, 8 Goldcrest, 5 Robin, 5 Song Thrush, 3 Lesser Redpoll, 3 Redwing, 2 Blackcap, 2 Chiffchaff, 1 Dunnock, 1 Firecrest.