Saturday 24th October 2020

Another breezy south westerly this morning with another good finch movement before it petered out by late morning. 

On the move were, 380 Goldfinch, 143 Siskin, 65 Redpoll, 61 Linnet, 32 Chaffinch, 30 Crossbill, 5 Greenfinch, 2 Brambling, 39 Meadow Pipit, 2 Rock Pipit, 6 Skylark, 5 Swallows and a Grey Wagtails. The bushes were quiet although there was a lingering Firecrest and 3 Goldcrests. A Merlin was again hunting for any tired migrants offshore before heading up river.

Out on the reserve, the Wheatear was still by the Mine Station and a Stock Dove was in with the Wood Pigeons. There were 3 Turnstones and a Purple Sandpiper at the Jetty.

There was a small amount of movement on the sea with 2 Teal, a Shelduck, a Brent and a Great-crested Grebe headed south while 2 Brents headed north.

The Satellite is a winter flyer that is regularly noted here in small numbers over the winter months

Ringing: Nil