Sunday 11th October 2020

Remaining Common Blue's are on their last legs.

Some "thrushes" had dropped in overnight with many birds moving inland soon after dawn including 41 Song Thrush, 27 Redwing, 19 Blackbird & Ring Ouzel. Vis mig this morning southbound or heading inland 244 Goldfinch, 104 Redpoll, 39 Mipit, 14 Siskin, 12 Chaffinch, 11 Linnet, 7 Swallow, 5 Tree Sparrow, 4 Skylark, 3 Grey Wag, 2 Greenfinch, Curlew & Reed Bunting. Grounded migrants include 8 Redwing, 6 Chiffchaff, 4 Wheatear, Brambling, Firecrest, Jack Snipe, Snipe plus some more new Blue Tits paying a visit. A second year Yellow-legged Gull was along the river. Finally a Yellow-browed Warbler was in the south-west corner of the observatory compound in the afternoon.

Good selection of autumnal species this morning included Yellow-lined Quaker for its first appearance of the year.

Ringing: 16 Lesser Redpoll, 8 Blackbird, 6 Song Thrush, 5 Blue Tit, 4 Redwing, 3 Chiffchaff, 3 Dunnock.