Thursday 22nd October 2020

A breezy south westerly this morning with a bit of Vis-mig.

The finches were back on the move this morning, although still in reasonably low numbers with, 324 Goldfinch, 127 Redpoll, 42 Linnet, 24 Crossbill, 23 Siskin, 11 Chaffinch,  5 Greenfinch, 1 Brambling heading south. Also on the move were 21 Skylarks, 19 Meadow Pipit, a Rock Pipit and 2 Grey Wagtails, 16 Swallow, 8 House Martins and a late Sand Martin. A Merlin was harassing the migrants as they went south.

In the bushes this morning were 3 Firecrest, 10 Goldcrest and a Blackcap. On the reserve the Ring Ouzel was still by the practise guns and a Wheatear was by the Mine Station. Out on the Jetty there were 7 Turnstones and a Purple Sandpiper.

On the Sea a Brent Goose headed north and 8 Shelduck headed south.

The Chestnut has become very scarce in recent autumns whereas Dark Chestnut is holding its own.

Ringing: 6 Lesser Redpoll, 2 Blackbird, 2 Firecrest, 1 Goldcrest, 1 Wheatear