Friday 13th November 2020


This Pallas's Warbler is the 4th in the past week. Note the two ticks above the bill and the two behind the eye on this individual. None of which can be seen on the photos of the bird noted on Wednesday.

A unlucky day...for some. Although we weren't complaining this morning, when the 4th Pallas's Warbler of the year made an appearance low in the bushes by the Heligoland.  Apart from that excitement birds have been rather thin on the ground. The only other grounded migrant was a Redwing.

There was a bit more vismig happening with 45 Goldfinch, 45 Siskin, 18 Redpoll, a Skylark and a  Yellowhammer heading south.

On the sea, a Great Skua was harassing the Gulls offshore, 5 Knot, 1 Common Scoter and a Red-breasted Merganser headed south and an female Eider headed north.

Ringing: 1 Blackbird, 1 Pallas's Warbler