Friday 6th November 2020


A quieter day than yesterday but the south easterly winds held some promise.

There were still a few thrushes around this morning with 3 Fieldfares, 5 Redwing and a couple of Blackbirds being new arrivals.

Vismig was rather poor with very few finches and only 42 Goldfinch, 7 Redpoll and 6 Chaffinches on the move. The best of the rest was a single Lapland Bunting, 9 Skylarks, 5 Meadow Pipits, a Rock Pipit and a Reed Bunting.

On the reserve a couple of Rock Pipits were at the Jetty and a Tree Sparrow was visiting the feeders at the Cottage. 

On the river 2 Mute Swans were over by the Port and a Curlew and 3 Brent headed out and north, while on the sea a single Brent headed south.

Dotted Chestnut is a Nationally Scarce species that has only been noted here once, six years ago.

Ringing: 7 Goldcrest, 4 Long-tailed Tit, 3 Redwing, 2 Blackbird, 2 Fieldfare, 1 Chaffinch, 1 Lesser Redpoll, 1 Wood Pigeon