Monday 16th November 2020

Jersey Cudweed Helichrysum luteoalbum has been recently added to the plant list. It was, until recently, exceedingly rare in the UK and is listed as a "Schedule 8" plant giving it legal protection. However, in the last couple of years it has been found at several sites in south Felixstowe. Its not often that additions to the site plant list are made as the number of species recorded here is huge.

On the avian front the roosting Cormorants that head out to sea from inland have been going out to the north of us more often than heading out over here so it was good to count at least 3,100 early morning (although this figure suggests that the roosting numbers inland are higher as we no doubt don't count them all).

Some southbound vis mig in the first couple of hours with 196 Goldfinch, 111 Redpoll, 34 Starling, 26 Siskin, 8 Mipit, 6 Chaffinch & 3 Skylark. Offshore plenty of seagulls plus a handful of Gannets but almost nothing moving. Migrants in the bushes limited to a loitering Goldcrest along with the locals that will now be attempting to spend the winter here. Finally a Shag was sitting on the wooden jetty mid-morning before departing up river.

Ringing: 6 Lesser Redpoll.