Monday 23rd November 2020

Glorious sunny frosty morning with the pollution from the funnel of "Stinky Stenna" leaving Harwich hanging in the air - nice for all you asthmatics ! An alien female Peregrine was winding up the local pair just as it was getting light which is entertaining for the observers & quite possibly for the female Peregrines who do seem to enjoy a good talon fight.  On the move southbound "ringtail" Hen Harrier & a late Swallow of note plus 31 Goldfinch, 19 Shelduck, 19 Starling, 13 Brent, 11 Siskin, 8 Redpoll, 5 Chaffinch, 3 Linnet, 3 Mipit & 3 Skylark. On site migrants included 2 Redwing, Chiffchaff & Fieldfare. Finally a Purp was on the point.

Ringing: 1 Blackbird.