Saturday 28th November 2020

Pale-bellied Brent that went south then back north is only the 16th site record (although no doubt more have been missed amongst the mass flocks of Brent passing by at times in the past). Also of note was an adult Little Gull sat on the sea for a while. Offshore southbound 38 Teal, 36 Brent, 36 Wigeon, 12 Pintail, 12 Common Scoter, 5 Shelduck, 4 Red-throated Diver & Little Egret with northbound 11 Common Scoter, 4 Eider, 4 Red-throats & 2 Brent. Migrants on site were 2 Fieldfare, 2 Redwing, Woodcock plus a couple of new Blackies. A Great-spot was on site in the afternoon.

Ringing: 5 Blackbird.