Friday 11th December 2020

With all the rain a large quantity of Jelly Ear Auricularia auricula-judae on Elder at the moment which is a common & widespread fungi that has had a couple of English vernacular name changes in my life time due to political correctness.

Rain & poor visibility up to late morning. An hours purgatory looking out early on produced no Cormorants & very few gulls with the bulk of the Great Black-backs having moved on to different feeding grounds at the moment. Southbound 2 Brent, 2 Gadwal, 2 Teal, 2 Sanderling plus a Red-breasted Merganser that flew into the river & a Common Scoter north later in the morning. 10 Kitts were following shipping including 2 juvs. The female Eider is still with us on the river. As it has stopped raining if anyone gets the enthusiasm to walk around this afternoon then this blog may be updated later.