Sunday 13th December 2020

With very few Cormorants seen in recent days it was good to see 540 head out fishing 0735 hrs then between 0805 & 0830 hrs several large flocks came in from the north heading to the sandbar plus some smaller groups close inshore heading south bringing numbers up to over 2,600 so difficult to know what's going on. It may be linked to legal/illegal culling/disturbance at the roost site inland forcing them to go elsewhere but, as we know, Cormorants are well used to altering their behaviour in response to human activities but then revert to old habits in response to fish stocks. Whilst watching Cormorants also offshore southbound 5 Wigeon & 4 Common Scoter with northbound 2 Brent, Tundra Bean Goose & Guillemot. Finally the female Eider is still crabbing along the river having no difficulty finding victims.