Saturday 14th November 2020

The Velvet Scoter passing the point this morning

Another very quiet day, with very little in the bushes except for yesterdays Pallas's Warbler which was busy feeding in the Holm Oaks and Sycamores around the Observatory. 

There was a tiny trickle of birds passing overhead with 110 Goldfinch, 62 Siskin and 7 Linnets. There was a bit more excitement on the sea with a Great Skua continuing to harass the Gulls which gather behind the shipping. A count of 21 Gannets was also noted offshore. On the move 8 Common Scoter and a Curlew headed North while 9 Dunlin, an Oystercatcher, a Brent, 2 Common Scoter and a Velvet Scoter headed south.

Ringing: Nil 

Friday 13th November 2020


This Pallas's Warbler is the 4th in the past week. Note the two ticks above the bill and the two behind the eye on this individual. None of which can be seen on the photos of the bird noted on Wednesday.

A unlucky day...for some. Although we weren't complaining this morning, when the 4th Pallas's Warbler of the year made an appearance low in the bushes by the Heligoland.  Apart from that excitement birds have been rather thin on the ground. The only other grounded migrant was a Redwing.

There was a bit more vismig happening with 45 Goldfinch, 45 Siskin, 18 Redpoll, a Skylark and a  Yellowhammer heading south.

On the sea, a Great Skua was harassing the Gulls offshore, 5 Knot, 1 Common Scoter and a Red-breasted Merganser headed south and an female Eider headed north.

Ringing: 1 Blackbird, 1 Pallas's Warbler



Charges will be from 8 am to 6 pm.

Up to 2 hours £1.50, up to 4 hours £3.00, all day £4.00. Free first half hour. 

Mobile "Ring Go" App available to pay as well as cash payments.

Income from Manor Terrace car park will go to East Suffolk Council. Net income (amount after running costs) from the large tarmacked car park opposite Landguard Fort and the View Point car park will go to the Landguard Partnership to help with the costs of running the amenities at Landguard.

Members and volunteers of Landguard Bird Observatory have three car park spaces allocated for their use at the entrance to the nature reserve by the letterboxes. This will be on a "first come first serve basis". Please replace the lock & chain when using these spaces. The combination number is the same as that into the bird observatory compound.

Thursday 12th November 2020

A change in the weather with a chilly breezy south westerly blowing today.

There was a limited vismig this morning with a few finches on the move including, 60 Goldfinch, 47 Redpoll, 28 Siskins, 11 Linnet, 6 Chaffinch and a Brambling. Also on the move were 2 Rooks, 3 Skylark and a Rock Pipit.

The only bird of note in the bushes was a new in Firecrest this morning, with the Pallas's Warblers seeming to have continued on their journey. A very mobile Black Redstart was moving between the Batteries, Fort and Cottage this morning and there were 2 Ringed Plovers on the beach.

On the sea 2 Brent, 1 Gannet and a Red-throated Diver headed south.

Ringing: 6 Lesser Redpoll, 2 Blackbird, 1 Firecrest

Wednesday 11th November 2020

Bit of a clear-out from recent days although at least one Pallas's Warbler is still with us. A change in the weather delivered some visible migration with southbound 282 Goldfinch, 41 Lesser Redpoll, 30 Starling, 27 Siskin,  16 Chaffinch, 4 Skylark, 2 Mipit & Grey Wag. Offshore southbound just a handful of Brent & a Golden Plover. In the bushes a single Brambling loitered briefly & 5 Long-tailed Tit passed through.

Migrant moths still passing through although a couple of Palpita vitrealis are the first of their kind for a while.

Ringing: 24 Lesser Redpoll, 5 Long-tailed Tit, 1 Blackbird.

Tuesday 10th November 2020


Another still foggy day eventually ending in bright sunshine with barely a breath of wind.

A rather quiet day. At least two of the Pallas's Warblers were still favouring the Poplars, along with 3 Firecrests and 5 Goldcrests and a group of 8 Long-tailed Tits which arrived early afternoon. A woodcock attempted to drop in while the nets were being put up this morning and several small groups of Chaffinches dropped throughout the morning.

Out on the reserve a Short-eared Owl was in the beach vegetation and there were 3 Purple Sandpipers at the Jetty. 

There was a very limited amount of vis-mig which included 33 Redpolls, 25 Siskin, 24 Goldfinch, 9 Meadow Pipits and 6 Skylark.

On the sea, 10 Wigeon, 5 Teal and 3 Brent headed south and 3 Brent headed north.

Ringing: 8 Long-tailed Tits, 5 Blackbird, 2 Redwing, 1 Goldcrest, 1 Lesser Redpoll

Monday 9th November 2020


A wet start with a heavy downpour just before first light, clearing briefly before the Obs was plunged into fog.

A strange morning with few usual suspects around but a trickle of good migrants and at least 3 Pallas's Warblers on site!

In the bushes were a few lingering Goldcrests, including a new Dutch ringed bird, a couple of Firecrest and 3 Pallas's Warblers and 2 Blackcap. Two of the Pallas's were regularly seen in the Holm Oaks and Poplars and another individual was on the southern end of the Icky ridge feeding in the brambles. Elsewhere A Black Redstart briefly dropped onto one of the Gun Emplacements and a Green Sandpiper was flushed off the puddles in the aggregate yard. A single Reed Bunting was up by the Butts, 3 Snipe were in the beach vegetation and a Rock Pipit was by the Jetty.

There was a small trickle of thrushes, mainly consisting of Redwings and Fieldfares passing over and a Small movement of finches including, 23 Redpoll, 14 Linnet, 12 Siskin, 8 Greenfinch, 4 Chaffinch and 3 Brambling. Also on the move were 2 Skylarks and a single Woodcock which came in off and headed inland.

On the river, 2 Mute Swans were feeding just offshore and on the sea there was a movement of Waterfowl and waders later in the morning. A total of 406 Brent, 115 Wigeon, 38 Shelduck, 35 Pintail, 21 Teal, 1 Mallard, 1 Red-breasted Merganser and 67 Dunlin, 3 Golden Plover and Lapwing headed south. A Purple Sandpiper and 7 Turnstone were on the Jetty.

Feathered Thorn is a classic early November flyer.

Ringing: 7 Blackbird, 2 Redwing, 1 Blackcap, 1 Chaffinch, 1 Lesser Redpoll, 1 Pallas's Warbler, 1 Robin, 1 Wren

Sunday 8th November 2020

Selection of new birds arrived including a handful of Blackbird, Goldcrest, Songie & a classic "tristis" Chiffchaff. Loitering on site from yesterday were a few Goldcrest, 3 Firecrest, Fieldfare & Pallas's Warbler. Vis mig almost non-existent with southbound 10 Goldfinch, 6 Siskin, 5 Skylark & 2 Mipit. Offshore southbound 249 Brent & 5 Red-breasted Merganser that went up river.

Ringing: 9 Blackbird, 3 Goldcrest, 2 Lesser Redpoll, 1 Blue Tit, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Song Thrush, 1 Wren.