Monday 18th January 2021


Comes to something when one resorts to photographing Feral Pigeons on containers but it really is that exciting at the moment. No Cormorants went out from inland although 500+ were offshore having sneaked in from the north. Apart from seagulls including 70 Common Gull & 18 Kitts following shipping the only movements were southbound 2 Red-throated Diver & Shelduck with northbound 4 Red-throats which is no incentive to observe for to long. 

Grovelling around the inside of the rifle fencing in recent days to visit parts of the compound rarely accessed to collect rubbish either wind blown or thrown over the fence resulted in 35 dog poo bags that had been lobbed over. Wouldn't mind betting it is just one or two ignoramuses responsible for such anti social behaviour.