Sparrowhawk ringed LBO 24th January 2019 found dead 13 km away at Walton-on-the-Naze, Essex 3rd January 2021.

Goldfinch ringed LBO 4th July 2019 found freshly dead 182 km away at Bours, Pas-de-Calais, France 3rd January 2021. Ringed as a youngster here and presumably wintering in Northern France.

Lesser Redpoll ringed LBO 28th September 2020 retrapped 16 km away at Hollesley 4th November 2020.

Goldcrest ringed Westkapelle, Veere, Zealand, The Netherlands 7th November 2020 retrapped 153km away at LBO 9th November 2020. Trapped just two days after ringing in Holland its always good to get a rapid movement across the North Sea.