The following has been sent to us from the Suffolk Coasts & Heaths team - 

If possible please could you fill out the below survey. Due to Covid, we’re not able to get out and about this Winter to speak to people using the paths around Shotley, Brantham, Orwell Country Park and beyond.  We usually gather visitor information as to how residents and visitors spend their leisure time around the Stour and Orwell Estuaries, particularly during the winter months when wading birds are also around enjoying the area.


So we need your help!


Can you please use your networks – websites, emails, linkedin, facebook, twitter – whatever you have at your disposal – to share and encourage people to fill out our quick 2 minute online survey;


The survey is open until mid March, so no need to panic if you pick this up after the Christmas hols and think you’re too late – every encouragement really will help our numbers and get a better understanding of how these areas of the AONB are being enjoyed.