Tuesday 19th January 2021

Haircut for the hybrid Black X Italian Poplar behind the kitchen courtesy of English Heritage who are concerned about the branches growing towards the buildings. This was last done 11 years back (if my memory serves me right ?) on this tree that we suspect is 120 years old dating back to when this part of the Fort defences were built. Although it will look bare for a while a good trim did it the world of good last time it was done.

A Fulmar going south then back north livened up this mornings offerings plus at least 48 Kitts offshore. Other sightings were 48 Cormorant heading out plus 829 in from the north with southbound 5 Red-throated Diver, 3 Brent & Knot plus northbound a Gannet. An unidentified Skua chased a gull in the far distance eluded a positive identification. 11 Wood Pigeon is the highest count of the year so far although this is a bit farcical as often 20 - 30 feeding on the grassy area by the factory units opposite the north end of View Point Road about 100 yards outside our recording area.