Friday 26th February 2021

Glorious calm morning. On the move southbound 12 Barnacles, 2 Stock Dove, Buzzard, Fulmar, Jackdaw & Skylark. Handful of migrants on site including 3 Robin, couple of new Blackies plus Goldcrest. A Long-tailed Tit paid a visit with singletons at this time of the year being bachelors looking for a friend for the season. One of the new Blackies was a young male "stockamsel" type presumably on its way back to north-east Europe. On the seaward side of the Butts 7 Turnstone & a Purp.

Ringing: 3 Robin, 2 Blackbird, 1 Blue Tit, 1 Goldcrest, 1 Great Tit, 1 Dunnock.