Recent Ringing Recoveries

Lesser Redpoll ringed Landguard 25th October 2019 retrapped 344 km away Harze (Aywille), Liege, Belgium on 15th February 2020 is notable due to the fact that 2019 was our worst ever autumn for Redpolls with only four ringed.

Blackcap ringed Landguard 5th October 2020 retrapped 666 km away Batardeau, Saint-Clement-des-Baleines, Charente-Maritime, France on 12th October 2020 on its way south for the winter.

Dunnock ringed Landguard 24th June 2020 found dead 5 km away in Harwich January 2021 is one of our youngsters that was being adventurous by flying across the estuary for a new life in Essex.

Lesser Redpoll ringed 12km away at Newbourne 21st November 2020 retrapped the following day at Landguard. Other ringers in Suffolk regularly retrap our Redpolls after we have done them but it is rare for them to get to them before us as many new arrivals hit the coast first before heading inland..