Wednesday 17th February 2021

Still a couple of Peacock butterflies hibernating in the cellar with odd flakes of falling paint from the roof & cobwebs on them. Several have disappeared suggesting something fancied a winter's snack. 

Dull old morning. 1,208 Cormorant headed out to sea between 0634 & 0638 hrs which is now getting to dam early in the morning for any sane person to be down here at this time of the year. The highlight of the morning was 2 Skylark heading south who are either relocating after the snow cover or think that spring is sprung. Offshore characteristically poor, as it is wont to be in the second half of February, with southbound 7 Oyk, 5 Brent, 3 Pintail & 2 Dunlin and northbound 10 Brent & 5 Red-throated Diver.

Ringing: 1 Wood Pigeon.