Monday 15th March 2021

Long-tailed Tit

 A lovely day with light winds (still a real chill in the air though) and plenty of sunshine.   The sea was quiet with a flock of 60 Brent Geese north, a Fulmar and still 1250 Cormorants which came in from the north to their feeding grounds - they should be heading back to the continent soon.   Land birds comprised 2 Chaffinches, a Fieldfare, 2 Redwing, 2 Firecrests again (steadfastly avoiding all the nets!), 5 Goldfinch, 11 Great Tits (with some new birds coming into the area), 3 Greenfinches, 2 Jackdaws, 2 Long-tailed Tits, 4 Meadow Pipits, 3 Robins, a Siskin and 2 Sparrowhawks (including one which came in over the sea).

Ringing - Great Tit 2, Long-tailed Tit 2, Robin 1