Saturday 20th March 2021


 A decent day with very light winds (still coming out of the north though) and pretty much complete cloud cover, there was a nice little mix of species on the move and in the area hinting that we may have turned the corner into some semblance of spring!   Over the sea birds included a northward movement of 133+ Black-headed Gulls, 72 Brent Geese, a Fulmar, 13 Gannets, 2 Mediterranean Gulls and at least 118 Red-throated Divers (most of them flying north together, presumably just shifting feeding grounds).

On the land migrants comprised 3 Chaffinches, a Chiffchaff, 3 Firecrests (two new birds caught plus the regular ringed bird), a Goldcrest, a Marsh Harrier north, 2 Meadow Pipits, 2 Robins, 4 Rook south, a Stock Dove, a Yellowhammer south and a drake Goosander seemingly following the Stena Ferry down the river (not really on the land but I wasn't sure where to add it in!).

Lead-coloured Drab (alongside a Common Quaker), an infrequent visitor to the moth traps here

Ringing: Firecrest 2, Goldcrest 1, Robin 1, Blue Tit 2, Chiffchaff 1