Monday 5th April 2021


 Another step backwards concerning the arrival of spring with a strong and bitterly cold NNE wind bringing some heavy [but brief] snow showers late morning before the sun came out in the afternoon; most of the notable birds were over the sea which included 32 Black-headed Gulls, a drake Eider, a Fulmar, 2 Gannets, a Bonxie south, an adult Kittiwake, 2 Mediterranean Gulls and 19 Red-throated Divers.

Other birds were limited to [the same] 3 Black Redstarts, 2 Chiffchaffs, a Redwing, 30 Sanderling on the beach, 2 Swallows, [the same] 4 Wheatears and a young male Peregrine-looking falcon complete with bells and jesses.

Lovely spring scene