Thursday 15th April 2021

Painted Lady - given the cool conditions, this first for the year was not really expected

 Still stuck in Groundhog Day with chilly (a generous term) conditions, a NE breeze and largely sunny skies meaning there was little change in birdlife either; bits of note included the singing Black Redstart still, 2 Chaffinches, a Chiffchaff, a Curlew, a Goldcrest, 6 Goldfinches, a Great-crested Grebe, a Song Thrush and 3 Wheatears.

Ringing: Chiffchaff 1, Goldcrest 1

Early Thorn - still very few moths being caught (unsurprisingly given the prevailing weather!), Early Thorn has two generations, one now with the second in late summer