Thursday 1st April 2021

Large Tortoiseshell - the second Obs record

 A return to grey skies and chilly winds in the morning but the sun came out eventually creating two different days at the same time - very cold and wintery in the cutting NNW wind but still surprisingly warm and pleasant in sheltered spots.   These sheltered spots produced the day's highlight of a Large Tortoiseshell in one of the net rides which showed beautifully for less than a minute before disappearing.

It was quieter on the bird front but bits of note did comprise 3 Black Redstart (including one singing from the fort first thing), a Brambling, 4 Chaffinches, 4 Chiffchaffs, a Goldcrest, a Buzzard, 2 Jackdaws, 3 Peregrines, 2 Redpolls, a Redwing, a Rock Pipit, 35 Sanderling on the beach and 3 Wheatears.

Ringing: Chiffchaff 1, Great Tit 1

Early Grey - Feeding on Honeysuckle, this is an infrequent and declining visitor here