Monday 31st May 2021

Black Redstart

 A similar day again with a brisk ENE breeze and clear skies but pretty hazy, reducing visibility; it was also similar in the fact that it was still very quiet on the bird front as sightings comprised another 48 Brent Geese north, 2 Chaffinches, 2 Black Redstarts, a Common Scoter, a Fulmar, a Great-crested Grebe which landed on the sea, a gathering of gulls off the point in the evening which included 300 Herring Gulls and 5 Mediterranean Gulls, a House Martin, a Little Tern, 2 Sandwich Terns and 4 Swallows.

Ringing: Nil (despite having a good number of nets open all morning!)

Toadflax Brocade is a Red Data Book species that has colonised urban gardens in Felixstowe this century which accounts for the occasional ones here