Recent Ringing Recoveries

Grey Wagtail ringed Landguard 4th September 2018 retrapped 81 km away at Whittlesford, Cambridgeshire 29th April 2021. This bird has apparently been breeding at this site for the last three years.

Starling ringed Landguard 20th August 2019 retrapped 15 km away in Ipswich 5th May 2021.

Linnet ringed Seasalter, Kent 16th October 2020 retrapped 72 km away at Landguard 3rd May 2021 may well be nesting here. We have ringed nearly 14,000 Linnets here but this is only our 8th UK movement over 50 km (although we do have ten international movements on file of greater distance).

Robin ringed Ursel, Oost-Vlannderen, Belgium 12th October 2019 retrapped 175 km away at Landguard 3rd October 2020 will have been on its autumn migration into Western Europe when trapped at both sites.