Thursday 20th May 2021

Brent Geese heading out behind the motus tower

 A gorgeous start to the day, calm, clear and sunny but the clouds soon rolled in on the increasing SSW wind becoming pretty rough and windy by the afternoon; there were a few bits through the morning which comprised the daily Black Redstart, a Blackcap, 6 Brent Geese out of the river and north, 2 Chaffinches, 3 Chiffchaffs, 6 Common Scoter north, 9 Gannets, 3 Jackdaws, 15 Kittiwakes (with random flocks still floating around - surely they should be doing something else by now!?), 3 Lesser Whitethroats, 3 Redpolls, a Marsh Harrier south at sea, 3 Sandwich Terns, 6 Turnstone and a Sanderling on the beach, 3 Spotted Flycatchers (the first of the year was trapped late afternoon yesterday), 21 Swallows and a Swift south, 3 Wheatears and 5 Whitethroat.

Ringing: Chiffchaff 1, Spotted Flycatcher 2, Blackcap 1, Linnet 1

The first Brimstone of the year whose larvae are probably on the Hawthorn bushes here