Tuesday 25th May 2021


 Clear first thing but a band of drizzle moved in disrupting the morning and leaving a breezy, sometimes cloudy, sometimes showery rest of day; another good total of 469 Brent Geese came out of the river before turning north and was the migration spectacle of the morning.   

Other birds included 4 Black Redstarts, a Chaffinch, a Chiffchaff, 16 Common Scoters north, a Common Tern, 2 House Martins south, a flock of 7 Kittiwakes south, a Little Tern, a Mediterranean Gull, a Redshank on the beach (the first of the year and an unusual sight actually hanging out on the beach), a Reed Warbler, a new Robin from somewhere, 13 Swallows south, 15 Swifts south, a Whimbrel and a Turtle Dove which shot through at a rapid rate of knots - always a rare sight nowadays.

Ringing; Reed Warbler 1, Robin 1