Sunday 13th June 2021

Never had a Pheasant here for so long, but as we occasionally see a female, that is probably the reason why.

Hot & sticky morning. Very much the time of year when its a case of "hunt the migrant". 4 Jackdaw paid a visit & single Fulmar & Swift flew south. Lots of busy adults are tending for their young & baby birds on site at the present time which is good, as a lot of the earlier attempts this year didn't get very far due to the cold drought in April followed by a cold & wet May.

Two Norfolk Hawker this morning including one quartering the area right down on the point near the jetty. With the plant with which it is associated in the new pond by the cottage will it colonise ?

We do quite well for Sand Dart. It is a nationally scarce species restricted to habitats like this, which accounts for its rarity.

Ringing: 1 Blackbird, 1 Linnet.