Sunday 6th June 2021

With an influx of the species underway into north west Europe it was hoped that a Rose-coloured Starling would put in an appearance. This adult male ranged from the caravan park down to the point & is the 11th to be noted here with, hopefully, many more to come.

As expected, for the time of year, few other migrants present although 2 male Blackcap arrived & a Swallow was singing from the telephone wires. Otherwise southbound 5 Swallow & 3 Oyk with northbound a Whimbrel. The usual Black Red's are in their favoured spots as are the Lesser Whitethroat's & Whitethroat's on territory. 2 Turnstone at the point may be contemplating over summering with us.

The nationally scarce Tinagma ocnerostomella is a tiny tot that is a bit of a site speciality as it lives on Viper's Bugloss.

Ringing: 3 Linnet, 1 Blackcap, 1 Great Tit.