Tuesday 22nd June 2021

Marsh Tit - only the 5th Obs record, four of which have been recorded between 16th and 22nd June

 Overcast again with a lightish NNE breeze but it stayed dry with some brighter spells later on; a dispersing juvenile Marsh Tit was the day's highlight - only the fifth site record, while obviously not from here it presumably hadn't come from too far away.

Other birds comprised 5 Black Redstarts, 12 Common Scoter, 11 Common Terns, an adult Cuckoo already on its way back south after a summer of bamboozling hapless passerines, a Gannet, a Grey Wagtail, 175 Linnets, a Sparrowhawk, a Turnstone and a Stock Dove.

Ringing: Marsh Tit 1, Blue Tit 1, Wren 1, Magpie 1, Linnet 4

Pale Tussock - common in Suffolk but has only been noted in seven previous years here