Friday 30th July 2021

Grey Plover

 Weirdly calm at first light but the SSW wind quickly ramped up, eventually peaking at around force 7 in the afternoon bringing a series of sometimes heavy squalls which swept through but equal spells of bright sunshine as well!   There was again, a steady trickle of waders heading south at sea, never very many but enough to keep us staring at the sea; totals comprised 1 Bar-tailed Godwit, 1 Curlew, 5 Dunlin, 5 Grey Plover, 29 Oystercatchers, 1 Redshank, 2 Turnstone and 14 Whimbrel.

Also over the sea were 7 Common Scoter, 11 Common Terns, 3 Gannets, a Kittiwake, 24 Sandwich Terns, 8 Shelduck and 165 Swifts.

Ringing: House Sparrow 8, Linnet 1

Knot Grass is apparently, common nationally but is scarce here