Thursday 1st July 2021

Great-spotted Woodpecker

 An overcast start to the month but it gradually broke up producing a pleasant day with the sun making some half-hearted appearances; the most notable event of the day was three juvenile Great-spotted Woodpeckers all arriving together mid-morning - possibly all members of the same brood but that's just speculation, anyway a record day count for the Obs!

Other birds comprised the Black Redstart family, two lingering Chiffchaffs, 5 Curlews south, a Grey Wagtail south, 9 Oystercatchers, 12 Sandwich Terns and 55 Swifts drifting north.

Also of note were another Norfolk Hawker, the first Emperor of the year and the first Ringlet of the year.

Ringing: Great-spotted Woodpecker 2, Dunnock 1, Blue Tit 1, House Sparrow 2, Linnet 4

Hornet Moth - a nationally scarce species on the Poplars, although we usually find them hanging onto mist-nets!

Already a record-breaking year for Norfolk Hawkers