Sunday 22nd August 2021

Despite the lack of migrants new dispersing juvenile Robins, on the look out for a winter territory, keep turning up most mornings suggestive of the fact that pairs nearby have reared some young.

The number of departing summer migrants turning up has been very poor with this mornings paltry offerings single Reed Warbler, Spot Fly & Whitethroat with not a single Wheatear or Willow Warbler noted. Southbound movers included 30 Swallow, 8 Black-headed Gull, 4 Turnstone, 3 Great Black-backed Gull, Sand Martin, Tufted Duck & Yellow Wag. There are plenty of birds on the reserve to look through with 220 Linnet, 160 House Sparrow, 16 Goldfinch & 14 Pied Wag plus the locals a welcome sight its just that we would appreciate a bit more variety.

Dark Spectacle is present in small numbers presumably feeding on nettles around the compound.

Ringing: 2 Robin, 1 Reed Warbler.