Thursday 5th August 2021

Green Woodpecker

 Wonderfully flat calm fist thing with plenty of sunshine and a slowly increasing onshore breeze eventually bringing cloud and a few spots of rain by early evening; there was a good little selection of birds heading south over the sea through the morning which comprised a Spotted Redshank (always scarce here - the first since 2015), 2 Bar-tailed Godwits, 5 Curlew, a Dunlin, 2 Grey Plover, 18 Oystercatchers, 4 Redshank, 4 Turnstone, 17 Whimbrel, 27 Common Scoter, 35 Teal, 3 Pochard and a Grey Heron.

On the land, birds included the first Wheatear of the autumn, a Green Woodpecker which eventually found the Heligoland trap, 2 Sand Martins, 6 Swallows, a single lonely Willow Warbler and 4 Barnacle Geese which flew north.

Ringing: Green Woodpecker 1, Whitethroat 1, House Sparrow 12, Goldfinch 5, Linnet 1

Another nationally scarce species here is Monopis imella which has colonised the site from 2015 and has the habit of feeding on remains in birds nests and on decaying animal matter