Friday 17th September 2021

Always good to get a fresh Convolvulous Hawkmoth as this immigrant species are often a bit worn and tatty by the time they get here

 Largely sunny and bright with light SW winds (apart from a weird spell for an hour in the morning when thick fog appeared from nowhere!); there was a trickle of birds overhead but nothing really compared to yesterday which included a Chaffinch, a Sparrowhawk, 50 Meadow Pipits, 73 Swallows, a Sand Martin, 58 House Martins and 4 Yellow Wagtails.

Offshore 34 Teal and 18 Wigeon went south while on the land 3 Chiffchaffs, 7 Wheatears and a Black Redstart was about it.

Ringing: Dunnock 2, Great Tit 1, Robin 1, Blackcap 1, Chiffchaff 2, Willow Warbler 1, Meadow Pipit 2