Friday 24th September 2021

 Calm again with morning fog lingering for a few hours before giving way to light cloud which in turn, gave way to bright sunshine by lunchtime; today's limited selection of migrants comprised 10 Grey Wagtails, a Great-spotted Woodpecker, a Lesser Whitethroat, 8 Blackcaps, 6 Chiffchaffs, 2 Wheatears, 45 Swallows south, a Goldcrest (the first of autumn), a Jay and a Redstart.

Other bits of note included a Ring-necked Parakeet which circled the point before heading back towards town and single Snipe, Whimbrel and Golden Plover whilst offshore, after the fog cleared there was a Guillemot, a Pochard, 5 Mediterranean Gulls and 4 Sandwich Terns.

Ringing: Wren 1, Blackcap 5, Chiffchaff 4, Great-spotted Woodpecker 1, Grey Wagtail 7, Dunnock 1, Meadow Pipit 2, Goldcrest 1

First site record of Hoary Footman which is a potential future colonist