Tuesday 14th September 2021

Lunar Yellow Underwing is a nationally scarce species that either wanders down here from up the coast or may live here at a low population density

 Mid-September, nice ESE breeze coming in right from the continent, a bit of drizzle just before dawn and spells of light rain through the morning - just what you want for a nice selection of migrants at a prominent east coast migration site....well, no actually, the nets were literally empty of any birds and the bushes were basically devoid of any new birds.

All the interest was offshore where, despite the poor visibility birds comprised a Sooty Shearwater north at 09:45, a Little Tern feeding with 62+ Sandwich Terns, 65 Teal south, 2 Purple Sandpipers, 3 Gannets, 2 Common Scoters, a Razorbill north (always scarce here), 2 Guillemots, a Great-crested Grebe and an Arctic Skua.

Ringing: Grey Wagtail 1