Recent Ringing Recoveries

Chiffchaff ringed LBO 2nd May 2021 found dead (c.1 week) 506 km away on Helgoland, Germany 8th May 2021. Looks like this one flew direct from here to Helgoland dying on arrival. There are only a few Chiffchaff reported going to & from Germany so difficult to know what this one was up to.

Blackcap ringed Zurich, Sudwest Frysian, The Netherlands 8th May 2021 retrapped 304 km away at LBO 29th May 2021. As this is right at the end of spring Blackcap passage and we know that many late spring arrivals are failed breeders from elsewhere, it is quite likely this was also failed breeder going walkabout but as it was a male it could also be a bird who had not attracted a mate in Holland wandering in search of a vacant territory and available females.

Whitethroat ringed LBO 26th July 2021 retrapped 5 km away at Trimley Marshes 16th August 2021 will be a local juvenile wandering around locally prior to emigrating.